Autumn is definitely a time of renewal, and just as January encourages us to set intentions and mark new beginnings, autumn reset encourages us to embrace change with open arms.

It is a season that whispers of transformation, reminding us that letting go can pave the way for new growth and unexpected beauty.

These are the last three months of the year, so it's time to build on this natural momentum and make the most of what's left of 2023.

Consider your autumn reset aspirations

Instead of constantly revisiting past resolutions, ask yourself new questions:

  • What unique opportunities does autumn offer to grow and understand?
  • How can you adapt your lifestyle to this season?
  • What new things can you experience in autumn?

Autumn reset is an opportunity to get out of your comfort zone and embrace beautiful changes. Instead of making big resolutions, consider setting intentions consistent with the spirit of decline: letting go, saying goodbye to what no longer serves you, and welcoming new possibilities.

Cultivate joy in autumn's simple pleasures

During the autumn season, we are invited to cultivate joy in the simplicity of life. This season, focus on creating an autumn fun list filled with activities and experiences that celebrate the unique essence of autumn reset.

Save this list of joys and refer back to them often so that you can savor moments of delight.

Here are some ideas that may inspire you:

WALKS IN THE NATURE - Discover the breathtaking beauty of autumn in local parks or nearby forests, observe the colors, and be inspired by them.

AUTUMN FLAVOURS - Savor the rich flavors of the season by cooking creamy soups, baking apple pies, or indulging in pumpkin-spiced treats.

EXPAND YOUR CREATIVITY - Take up a new hobby or revive an old one, such as painting, film photography, or writing, inspired by the colors and moods of autumn.

SEASONAL READING - Create a list of books that capture the essence of autumn and immerse yourself in these literary escapes.

MINDFULNESS - Take time to meditate among the rustling leaves or practice gratitude for the changing seasons.

As you engage in these simple pleasures, allow the transformative energy of autumn to infuse your life with a renewed sense of wonder and appreciation.

Simplify and harmonize with nature

Consider the option of simplifying your life in harmony with nature. Trees shedding their leaves in autumn are a powerful reminder that letting go can be a profound act of self-care.

Consider your daily routine:

  • What activities and commitments can you get rid of and what can you add to create more space for peace and simplicity?
  • How can you tune your daily activities to the natural rhythms of autumn?
  • How can you declutter not only your physical space but also your mental and emotional clutter?

Harmonize with the season by adopting the principles of minimalism (take the 52 weeks of minimalism challenge and improve throughout the year), both in your physical and internal environments.

The subtle fading of summer's exuberance can be an opportunity to find beauty in quiet spaces and to discover peace in the act of letting go.

Prioritize your well-being in this self-care autumn reset season

As you apply your autumn reset, recognize that your well-being is the cornerstone of your journey. This is the perfect opportunity to redefine success as a measure of overall health and happiness. Adopt the following principles of mindful well-being:


Incorporating physical activity into your daily routine can be a transformative step. Cooler temperatures provide the perfect backdrop for outdoor exercise. Consider taking hikes, long walks, or practicing yoga amidst the changing colors of nature.

Prioritizing fitness this season can not only improve your physical health but also improve your mental clarity and energy levels.


The autumn harvest provides an array of nutritious foods. Enjoy seasonal produce like pumpkins, sweet potatoes, and apples to create healthy, comforting meals. As you consciously consume these autumn treasures, pay attention to the flavors, textures, and smells that fill your senses. This culinary mindfulness can be a powerful practice in cultivating well-being.


The introspective nature of autumn lends itself well to practices that cultivate mental peace. Take time each day to engage in contemplative activities such as meditation, journaling, or reading. Let the serene atmosphere of this season inspire a sense of peace within you.

In this way, you can strengthen your mental resilience and find clarity amidst life's changing landscapes.

Autumn encourages us to establish a deeper connection with ourselves and others. Establish contact with your loved ones, whether through warm conversations, handwritten letters, or shared experiences such as cooking dinner together or going for walks.

These kinds of mindful connections can provide a comforting anchor as the year comes to a close.

Vision for the season

As the autumn reset transformation unfolds around you, consider the kind of person you want to become this season:

  • How will you accept the changes that come your way
  • What new experiences will you seek to enrich your life
  • How will you deepen your connection with yourself and your surroundings?

By creating a clear picture of the autumn season, you set the stage for significant growth and transformation. As you begin this autumn reset, may it guide you toward a fulfilling and harmonious conclusion through 2023.

This autumn, may your journey be a journey of self-discovery, mindfulness, and renewal. Embrace the transformative energy of the season and savor the beauty it brings. Continue with gratitude for the gift of transformation this season brings us.


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